The Big White Church Down the Street: Give Me That Old Time Religion
The literary contents within "The Big White Church Down the Street" is not make-believe, fictional writing, but rather, it is written from my own personal experience while attending church services of a Pentecostal denominational culture, the testimonies of bible theologians and research and experiences of others, including those in ministries and the general population of Christians who have experienced what I call "spiritual abuse," and "congregants neglect."
The book identifies the many different ways abuse in the church happens, how to recognize it, and steps one must take to protect themselves from doctrines not supported by scriptures. The Big White Church Down the Street differ from my first book titled, “And Other Sheep I Have Which Are Not of This Fold; Them I Must Bring Also,” in that, it reflects on how many are deceived by wrong bible doctrine and discloses and reveals ineffective leadership.
This book will reignite the faith of those who have been abused by doctrines of religion, legalistic metaphors such as rules and regulations that opposes Jesus purpose of dying for our sins, and restoring the body of Christ back to God’s original intent, that we are free and made whole in Christ Jesus. It cuts through the chase with confirmable scriptures, research and theological truth that will restore the mind that has been discouraged by the wrong doctrine.