Perfect Love: The Eternal Gift

Sometimes human nature disappoints us, and we are left longing for a love that we just can’t hold on to. We are constantly let down, or our expectations are crushed by hurt which makes it hard for us to trust love.
We are living in a world where love, as a gift from God, is misunderstood, has grown cold, and is needed more than ever. The good news is, we are actually loved more than we realize, and the source of that love is Love himself—God. The love we want and need is available to anyone who reaches out and receives it.
Perfect Love: The Eternal Gift helps define love and includes chapters such as: God’s Love and the Cross of Jesus, Love and Forgiveness, Love and Our Use of Money, and Love and War. The book explains how love can overcome problems in all areas of life and how it is the only power that can heal our families and world.
“This is how God showed his love among us: He sent his one and only Son into the world that we might live through him” (1 John 4:9, NIV).